Since my last post was being Grateful for Veterans I think it's appropriate I express my gratitude to our country in this post.
I've been reading Hunger Games, (I very much recommend it) and they live in a corrupt government, the story of this fictional place has strangely made me grateful for all my freedoms.
I am grateful for the ability to walk in a grocery store and not be told what I have to buy, or to be able to wear the clothing I want and not be forced to cover my face because I'm a woman. I'm grateful that I can choose a profession that I enjoy not one deemed to me by the government. Mostly I am grateful for my personal pursuit of happiness, I can be happy, I can choose the things in this life to be happy, whether that's riches, owning a gun, having a large family, buying a big house, having a beautiful garden it doesn't matter because I have the ability to choose and not only the ability the encouragement to choose what I want.
I know that God truly does bless the USA and I am blessed myself to live here, that is something I hope I will never take for granted.