Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Magic Wand... Keep, Donate, Trash!

   Do you watch "Hoarders; Buried Alive?" I do. I am in constant awe of how much stuff those people have... How? How do you get so much stuff? 
   I am moving in with my grandma, since my grandpa passed she has been very lonely, it will help us save for grad school/house and give her some time to adjust to the idea of being alone. It really is a benefit to us both, plus if you refer back to previous posts you know my grandma is very cool. My Grandpa in all his greatness did have a weakness, like all mortals do he overcame many of his vices but kept one... or maybe a should say one of everything. Yes my grandfather was a hoarder. No, not as bad as you see on TV but yes,  he has piles and piles of stuff! If it were up to my Mom and Myself we would order a huge dump truck and throw it all away, however it is not, rightfully my grandma wants to go through it ALL. That is fine, I am more then happy to pull boxes and clothes and treasures from the nooks and crannies of her house. I do however wish there was a magic wand that just by waving it over items would tell you keep, donate or trash, that would make things speed along a little faster. 

   I asked my grandma how and where all this stuff came from, she replied it just adds up. So after a day in "Hoarders; The Experience" I go to my own home and begin compiling a list of keep, donate and trash... I have come up with a few things. I've gotten rid of 2 boxes of clothes and next I go through the decorations... I know I have some Chinese decor that HAS to go. What was I thinking when I bought it in the first place? I don't decorate with an Asian flare unless you count the Hideki Matsui rookie card in the "dugout"(room much like a man cave but I think the word cave makes Ben seem primitive and unintelligent plus dugout is so much cooler and our style. Currently the dugout is our guest bedroom.) So my list is building and I am going to be one simplified lady come October 1st (Moving Day.)

   Maybe the key to not hoarding is moving a lot, forcing you to go through all your things. Maybe I'll be a gypsy. I think I have a little of their blood in me I can travel from town to town only taking what I need, and my husband. It would basically be impossible to be a hoarder if you were packing up and moving yearly. Who really wants to apartment hunt yearly though, not me deposits, refunds, painting, figuring out a way to remove the spilt orange soda stain, no bueno. I think I'll just name September the month of the anti hoard... Goodbye to all the old crap you haven't touched in the past year and hello simplicity, space and style.  

   Now if any of you are hoarders. You know who you are. Take this advice from a granddaughter in distress and a family in dust. GET RID OF IT! Technology has allowed us to store so much information on our computers there is no need for files of bank statements, or receipts, no reason we should have boxes and boxes of books we read once and will never read again, no purpose to News Papers in print stacking high or VHS's covering walls. Free yourself and your posterity. Buy a laptop and a scanner and dejunk. (Being a photographer I do recommend you keeping pictures, they do tell a story and you never know which picture will touch whose heart.) 

Now enjoy the National Month of DeJunk. (Not an actual accredited month, but sounds good) 

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