Saturday, October 2, 2010

A little rant.

This last month I've been really sick of Ben's job. It is really stressing him out, because he works for the police department they have all these rules and policy's so many of which are STUPID! He made a mistake on one of his calls, everything worked out but now he feels like he is walking on eggshells just to keep his job. Add the feeling of walking on eggshells to a high stress job and plus the latest of not being able to use his time off.
I don't think a job should have stipulations of which kind of leave you can use for what. Because he bids for his time off at the beginning of the year he bided for our anniversary off, He has more then enough leave if they would allow him to use holiday leave however he doesn't have enough "Vacation" leave which why its different makes no sense to me, so now we have to come back from our trip on our anniversary, so we don't even get to celebrate on our actually anniversary, instead we'll be driving across Utah and I'll be left home alone until 3:30, yet again. It really bothers me.
I hate that he works stupid hours and all the hours that I'm off. He works all weekends, and I have weekends off, its really annoying to come home on friday to start my weekend and be home alone all night. Then Ben sleeps all Saturday because he works the grave, gets up in time to get ready for work and is off again until 11:30 comes home goes to bed, we get up for church and then he has to leave church an hour early to be to work on time, then I have to go to bed early because I have to be to work by 5:30 in the morning, then my week starts. We never are off together, unless we take it off together. So the fact that now we don't get to have our anniversary off together just makes me so mad.
I have time to look forward to Ben has weekends off in November so that will be nice. but July, August, September and now October I'm kinda sick of it! Sorry for the negative post but I'm really ready for a regular schedule.

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